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  • Percy jackson
  • Frankie and Alice
  • spiderweb chronicles
  • Scooby-Doo
  • jawbreaker
  • another Cinderella story
  • Narnia
  • paprika
  • Wendy wu

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        Throwback movie night Spin the wheel, A throwback movie night is a film-viewing event that focuses on movies from the past. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: Percy jackson, Frankie and Alice, spiderweb chronicles, Scooby-Doo, jawbreaker, another Cinderella story, Narnia, paprika, Wendy wu.

        It is a way for people to revisit and enjoy classic or nostalgicically significant films, and it can be a fun and nostalgicically enjoyable activity for both casual viewers and film buffs. To organize a throwback movie night, you will need to select a theme or era for the event, such as a specific decade or genre of film. You will also need to choose the movies that will be shown, and you may want to consider factors such as the length of the films, the age appropriateness of the content, and the availability of copies of the movies. You will also need to consider logistics such as where the event will be held, whether it will be a private or public event, and how the movies will be shown (e.g. on a TV, projector, etc.). Other details, such as refreshments and decorations, can also add to the atmosphere and enjoyment of the event.

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