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  • potatoe/fresh bread
  • Pie/cookie-treat
  • salad and veg
  • pizza (Roma-sweetp)
  • chips/snacks

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        Xmas potluck Spin the wheel, A Christmas potluck can be a fun and festive way to celebrate the holiday season while sharing delicious food with loved ones. that you can use to pick a random item from the list: potatoe/fresh bread, Pie/cookie-treat, salad and veg, pizza (Roma-sweetp), chips/snacks.

        A Christmas potluck is a gathering where guests each bring a dish to share with the group. Potlucks are a great way to get together with friends or family during the holiday season and share delicious food.

        If you are planning a Christmas potluck, here are some tips to make it a success:

        Plan ahead: Decide on a date, time, and location for the potluck well in advance. Make sure to coordinate with your guests to ensure everyone is on board with the plan.

        Assign dishes: To avoid having everyone bring the same thing, assign dishes to each guest. This can be done by having guests sign up for specific dishes ahead of time or by randomly assigning dishes to each guest.

        Coordinate dishes: Make sure to coordinate with your guests to ensure that the dishes being brought are varied and complementary. You don't want everyone to bring a dessert or side dish and no main course.

        Set the table: Set up a table or buffet for the food, along with serving utensils and plates, napkins, and cutlery.

        Consider dietary restrictions: Ask your guests ahead of time if they have any dietary restrictions or preferences and make sure to have options available that they can eat.

        Provide drinks: Have a selection of drinks available for your guests to enjoy, including water, soda, wine, and beer.

        Enjoy the company: Remember that the potluck is about spending time with friends and family. Don't get too stressed out about the details and take time to relax and enjoy the company of those around you.

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