Set TitleSELF LOVE GIVEAWAY to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list
- LivCyn
- Rodriguezza
- iiissaa
- Diann17
- _zuley
- D.leen.03
- marrissol
- Valeriayher
- Sylvia_Succ
- JennysCosmo
- Edithg2
- Ialy_is
- Cheese
- Jaymua
- Alexisssr
- Norma
- AlicaFr
- Quinbyko
- TeeanQ
- Katty9
- Soni91
- Jackie00
- DaniTu
- Jaack
- Amanda91
- Pisces2001
- ArelyRod
Use commas when adding multiple.
- LivCynDelete
- RodriguezzaDelete
- iiissaaDelete
- Diann17Delete
- _zuleyDelete
- D.leen.03Delete
- marrissolDelete
- ValeriayherDelete
- Sylvia_SuccDelete
- JennysCosmoDelete
- Edithg2Delete
- Ialy_isDelete
- CheeseDelete
- JaymuaDelete
- AlexisssrDelete
- NormaDelete
- AlicaFrDelete
- QuinbykoDelete
- TeeanQDelete
- Katty9Delete
- Soni91Delete
- Jackie00Delete
- DaniTuDelete
- JaackDelete
- Amanda91Delete
- Pisces2001Delete
- ArelyRodDelete
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